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How to exercise on when you don't have the time.

Routinely working out can be a struggle when you have a busy lifestyle. However, research has shown that you don’t have to spend a lot of time to get an effective heart-healthy workout. With only 30 minutes of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), you can get the same heart and fat loss benefits a longer traditional workout.


Here are a few tips on how to make the most of your time


Plan ahead

           The night before pack everything you will need to get a workout in a small gym bag (clothes, shoes, etc.). Take it with you the next day and when an extra 30 minutes pop up before during or after work, feel the burn!


Keep it around 30 minutes

           If you don’t have a lot of time to work out, then I’m guessing you’re not going to be training for the Olympics and thus don’t need to spend hours in the gym. Just get a quick, intense workout within the 30 min or less time you allotted (the more intense, the less time is needed). Studies have shown that by keeping a high-intensity demand with short breaks can lead to more fat loss (especially abdominal fat) than a lower intensity workout partly due to higher physical exertion, hormone production, and a higher sustain heart rate throughout the rest of the day.


Do it first

           Whether it’s the first thing in the morning or the first thing after work, just do it first. There are a rare few that love to wake up early in the morning, but for the rest of us, it is a real struggle. If you can get up a little early, then do your workout before work, and you will feel great the rest of the day. If not, then do it immediately after work before you go home that way you will be more motivated. If you go home first, your daily stresses will start to weigh on you, and you will get comfortable and never leave the house…or couch.


The bottom line

Make exercise a priority in your schedule! I know it seems hard to do, considering it doesn’t make you feel good while you’re doing it, but it’s worth it! Also, the time you need to workout may already exist but may need rearranging. For example, replace watching your favorite 30 minutes Netflix show with 30 minutes of exercising a few times a week. It may be difficult at first; however, the long-term benefits almost always out way the temporary annoyance of exercising. By adequately planning, and prioritizing exercise into your schedule, you may be able to live a long healthy life.